Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Two Weeks: Part III, Finally with Pictures

I finally broke down and bought another camera, pretty much the updated model of the old one. It's a Canon SD790IS. I like it; fast, somewhat compact, big screen, takes nice videos, simple, etc. Anyway, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

This is Sage pointing one of the five coveys of quail I'm convinced this particular piece of WIHA holds. Hunting quail alone is a tricky proposition; they are always on the opposite side of the plum thicket, hedge row, etc. I did manage the one bird that flew into the opening left to right; didn't find any singles.

Here's a picture of the chickens I've been writing about. This time they flushed as soon as the dog made it over the hill, a long ways away. I counted ~65 birds this time. You can see one in the tree in the lower right.

Their tracks were everywhere in the pasture.

They flew to a cut bean field, and I tried to approach them again. They flushed way wild, although the dogs still detected their scent in the field. You can see two chickens in the tree tops on the left hand side.

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